Make your voice heard by voting
this years best mod!
It's been an incredible year for us here at Stumblor Pinball. Four blockbuster mod releases, a new cat, AND we've just topped 1000 signups for the little sign that started it all - the Tokyo Neon. There's no way we could have anticipated the trajectory this year was going to take, and none of it could have been done without the massive enthusiasm and support we received from you guys. Double jumping high fives!
But what is success without the sweet sweet accolades that go along with it? What is ice cream without the cherry on top? I want the cherry!
Help us get the cherry by voting Tokyo Neon this years best mod at the TWIPY awards. Just click on the button below and follow the directions.
🤜 🤛
You can skip as many questions as you like, we're on the second page.

Thankyou so much for the effort of doing this, it is truly appreciated.
See you in the arcade.
Stumblor Pinball