Latest Pinball Mods in "In Before the Lock" Ep. 2

Latest Pinball Mods in "In Before the Lock" Ep. 2

Proving the bookies wrong, Davey and Rob manage to make it to Episode 2 of their brand new pinball mods podcast without killing each other or blowing anything important up. We class that as a win, and we hope you do too!

Pinball stories from the horses mouth

Davey regales us with his mildy amusing take on life in the burbs, and how pinball is affecting his standing amougst the other parents at pickup.


How to plan a pinball mod making project

We spin the pinball mod making wheel and take a critical look at Fishtales and Stranger Things for new mod making potential. What have these games got to offer for the intrepid mod maker, and is there commercial potential in looking at them? Only our half baked commentary will reveal the answer! If you have a machine that you would like us to cast an eye over, get in touch and we'll add it to the Wheel O' Games. 


All the latest pinball mods



Episode 2 Airs November 20th @ 4p CT / 5p ET / 10p GMT